Crisis Parenting

How to get your needs met and your sanity back during social isolation.

Eight Tuesdays, beginning April 28th  

9 pm Eastern Time GMT -4

8 pm Central Time

7 pm Mountain Time

6 pm Pacific Time

Parents are under tremendous pressure to meet an impossible standard; be a teacher, an entertainer, a homemaker, exercise and work a full-time job online.  

But the reality is, many parents are having trouble getting any work done, let alone getting their kids to do a minute of schoolwork. 

You can make the perfect home schedule for your kids, teach them the perfect lessons, but all of that’s meaningless if you can’t get your kids to cooperate.

If you’re spending your days alternating between trying to peel the IPad out of your kids’ hands and giving up, this course is for you. 

Joe Newman is a bestselling author and behavior expert. 

Joe will be offering an 8-week course with Tim Seldin, President of The Montessori Foundation, a leading Montessori educator and author of How To Raise An Amazing Child.

What we’re offering isn’t a parenting course that assumes that your kids are cooperative, or that they’ll play by the rules. 

This is a course that gives you actionable tools to get what you need, make a schedule your kids will actually follow, and help your family use this crisis to become stronger and happier than they were when they came into this.

The course will be held live using the Zoom video conferencing platform. Sessions will be highly interactive and practical, helping participating families to take a fresh look at what works,  what doesn’t currently work, and how to use the strategies described in my book, Raising Lions.

Participants will have access to the Montessori Foundation's online learning platform which will hold the recorded sessions, additional resources, and a place for collaborative conversation.

Cost - just $250 a family for 8 weeks of proven guidance and coaching, with ongoing access to the recorded live sessions, resources, and family forum. We offer a discount to members of the International Montessori Council and the Montessori Family Alliance.

The first 50 families to register will also receive a free kindle edition of my book, Raising Lions.

Joe Newman

author of Raising Lions

Family Registration With Ongoing Access

Discount for IMC and MFA members