Starting a New Montessori School From The Ground Up

A comprehensive Course and Coaching

Anyone who wants to start a new Montessori school or convert an existing child-care center into a Montessori school will find this course invaluable.

Course Description

This course is designed for people who are just beginning to work on developing a new Montessori school or converting an existing day-care to Montessori. If you are looking to extend an existing school to higher levels or take your existing school to a whole new level of excellence, then your needs would be better served by our Building a World Class Montessori School course.

Note: This is a course presented online. It requires an investment of approximately 5 hours a week to read the materials, watch the videos, and complete the assignments. Class participation in the discussion forums is essential to truly take advantage of not only the prepared content, but to explore your prospective project, ask questions, and interact with other students. Additionally, the Montessori Foundation offers a series of optional weekly webinars on Wednesdays at 1 PM East Coast time in the United States. Many of these live sessions make be of interest and value to participants in the course. Questions are encouraged.


To succeed, Montessori schools need to achieve a level of excellence, stability, and wide-spread public appeal, which makes them highly attractive to prospective parents and teachers. So often, though, schools struggle, primarily because they continue to compromise their programs and principles in hope of becoming more attractive to parents. This course makes the case for courage, conviction, and consistency. The premise is that there is a Montessori way that we can (and must) follow to produce, time and time again, the results that made Montessori schools famous around the world. We will sketch out the specific elements of best practice that can lead your school to greater success in everything it does.

The Montessori Foundation has worked with hundreds of Montessori schools around the world, helping them to clarify their philosophy and develop the highest levels of Montessori curriculum and practice. This course will also provide an incredibly in-depth overview of all of the Montessori Foundation’s other courses in Montessori school leadership, along with a host of specific strategies and tools that will help chart the best course for your school’s future.

We do not provide a precise syllabus because we customize the course to a large extent to respond to the interests, needs, and concerns of the students enrolled. Topics covered typically include:

  • Understanding Montessori Education
  • Why start a Montessori school?
  • What is a World-Class Montessori School?
  • Abundance Thinking
  • The Nine Areas of School Operation
  • Clarity is the Key to Success
  • Prioritizing and sequencing what you need to do
  • A community of support and inspiration.
  • Legal Structures
  • Your Business Plan
  • Ownership and Governance
  • The Importance of Environment
  • Facilities
  • Equipping your classroom(s)
  • Curriculum design and systems to record student progress and report it to parents
  • Staffing your school – important principles and ethical issues
  • Administration/School Leadership
  • Marketing and Recruiting – Finding the Perfect Match

Course curriculum

  • 01


    Show Content
  • 02

    Unit 1. The Big Picture of Starting a New Montessori School!

    Show Content
  • 03

    1.1. Clarity is the Key to Success

    Show Content
    • Video: Clarity is the Key to Success
    • Clarity is the Key to Success (PDF)
    • Rhumb Line
    • The price we pay when we are not true to our core values.
    • Unacceptable Compromise
    • Fundamental Principles
    • Activity: Clarity is the Key to Sucess
  • 04

    1.2: Understanding Montessori Education

    Show Content
    • Video : Introduction to Montessori and the Montessori Foundation
    • Video: Montessori: Planting the Seeds of Learning
    • Audio: The Variety of Montessori
    • The Blind Men and the Elephant - Part 1
    • The Blind Men and the Elephant - Part 2
    • The Five Blind Men and the Elephant
    • Timeless and Classical
    • Community of Support and Inspiration.
  • 05

    1.3: What Makes a School 'Montessori'?

    Show Content
    • What Makes a School Montessori? Part 1
    • What Makes a School Montessori? Part 2
    • What is Montessori?
    • Montessori vs. Traditional Education
    • Maria Montessori - A Historical Perspective
    • Important Aspects of a Montessori School
    • The Integrated Montessori Curriculum
    • Fundamental Principles of Montessori Education
    • Basic Elements of the Montessori Approach
    • A Glimpse Into a Traditional Educator’s Thoughts
    • Some definitions of Montessori
    • What Is a World Class Montessori School?
    • Thinking Broadly About Your School's Educational_program
  • 06

    1.4: The Scope & Scale of Your New School

    Show Content
    • When do you want to open?
    • Video: When do you want to open?
    • Initial Thoughts About Your Plan
    • What's the plan?
    • Video: Define the Distinct Educational Elements of Your Montessori Program
    • Video: Developing a Business Plan Part 1
    • Video: Developing a Business Plan Part: 2 Setting Tuition
    • Video: Year-round Montessori School Programs
    • Will You Offer a Summer Program?
    • Strategic Planning Issues
    • Video: Will You Offer Enrichment Programs?
    • Video: Instructional Leadership...
    • Video: Need for Montessori Expertise Part 1
    • Video: Need for Montessori Expertise Part 2
    • What makes a private school different from other businesses?
    • Market Research and Competitive Analysis
    • Supporting Material
  • 07

    1.5: Assignments

    Show Content
    • Community of support and inspiration.
    • Forum: What is Montessori
    • Assignment: Abundance Thinking assignment
  • 08

    Unit 2: World class Montessori Schools

    Show Content
    • Video: World Class Montessori Schools
    • Unacceptable Compromise
    • Turning Dreams into Reality
    • World-Class Montessori Schools Commitment to Excellence
    • Video: The Importance of Fully Implemented Montessori
    • Video: The Need for Deep Montessori Expertise as you Develop a New Montessori School - Part 1
    • Video: The Need for Deep Montessori Expertise as you Develop a New Montessori School - Part 2
    • Additional Resources
  • 09

    2.1: Defining Your Identity

    Show Content
    • Defining Your Identity
    • Video: Defining Your Identify
    • Video: Identifying Your Competition
  • 10

    2.2: Vision, Mission and Values statements

    Show Content
    • Vision, Mission, Aims, and Value Statements
    • A school is nothing but people
  • 11

    2.3: Questions of Fidelity and Authenticity of Montessori

    Show Content
    • Is it Montessori?
    • Cookbook or Scientifically based?
    • Montessori Fidelity in Practice
    • Variations in Implementation Fidelity in Montessori Education
  • 12

    2.4: The Nine Areas of School Operation

    Show Content
    • The Nine Areas of School Operation
    • Video: The Nine Areas of School Operation
  • 13

    2.5: The Montessori School Blueprint Model

    Show Content
    • The Montessori School Blueprint Model
    • Audio: Blue Print Retrea
    • Sample Blueprint
  • 14

    2.6: Assignments

    Show Content
    • Forum: World Class
    • Compile a SWOT Analysis
    • Drafting your mission statement : New School
    • Competitive Analysis Table
  • 15

    Unit 3: Legal Structure

    Show Content
    • Introduction
    • Types of Legal Structures for Schools
    • Types of Legal Structures
    • Video: What Will Be Your School's Organizational Structure
    • Choosing Your Legal Structure
    • Why You Should Consider Going Non-profit
    • What Government Agencies Will Regulate Your School?
    • Confirming the Rules Under Which your New School Will Need to Operate
    • Getting a License for Your New School
    • Getting Licensed What Agencies Will Regulate Your School
    • What is an S Corporation vs a C corporation in the USA?
    • What is a C corp? Advantages & disadvantages for small business
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    3.1: Your Business Plan

    Show Content
    • Developing Your Business Plan - Part 1
    • Developing Your Business Plan - Part 2
    • Supporting Material
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    3.3: Risk Management

    Show Content
    • Supporting Material
  • 18

    3.4: Assignment

    Show Content
    • Business Plan
    • Forum: Legal Structure
  • 19

    Unit 4: Montessori Charter Schools

    Show Content
    • What are Charter Schools?
    • Essential Elements for Montessori in the Public Sector
    • Starting a Charter School Part 1
    • Starting a Charter School Part 2
    • Legal Structure for a Charter Montessori School Part 1
    • Legal Structure for a Charter Montessori School Part 2
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    Unit 5: Finding or Creating the Right Facilities for your School

    Show Content
    • What Kind of Facilities Does your School Need?
    • Describing Your Facility Needs
    • Building Your Own Facility
    • Leasing as an Option
    • Leasing? Get a First Right of Refusal.
  • 21

    5.1: Facilities

    Show Content
    • Gallagher Campus Design
    • Video: The Prepared Environment
    • Montessori Classroom Design
    • A Home For Children - The Montessori Prepared Environment
    • The Effects of The Physical Environment on Children's Development
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    5.2: Creating Outdoor Spaces

    Show Content
    • Looking Through a New Lens on The Outdoor Environment
    • Supporting Material
  • 23

    5.3: Assignment

    Show Content
    • Planning your Facilities
    • Facilities worksheet Word Document
    • Facilities Worksheet PDF
    • Forum: Discuss this Week
  • 24

    Unit 6: Finances

    Show Content
    • Seldin Making it All Add Up
    • How Many Students Should You Plan For
    • The Adult in the Environment
    • A Break-Even Analysis Lesson and Calculation Tool From The Harvard Business School
    • Initial Investment and Renovation
    • Audio: Tim's Thoughts on Staffing and Finances
    • Video: Enrollment Agreements - Managing Tuition Payments
    • Audio Resources
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    6.1: Financial Matters

    Show Content
    • A Note on Tuition, Financial Aid, and Scholarships.
    • Financial Projection
    • Supporting Documentation
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    6.2: Equipping the Classroom

    Show Content
    • Some Words of Advice on Purchasing Materials
    • Additional Content on Equipping the Classroom
    • How Important are Montessori Materials
    • What Belongs in a Montessori Primary Classroom.
    • 2013 The Montessori Materials
    • Purchasing Montessori Materials
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    6.3: Assignment

    Show Content
    • Compile a SWOT Analysis for Your School
    • Forum: SWOT Analysis
  • 28

    Unit 7: Recruiting Teachers and Staff

    Show Content
    • Finding the Perfect Match - Staff
    • Finding the Perfect Match: Finding Great Elementary Montessori Teachers
    • Sample Employment Agreement
    • Staff Handbooks
    • Other Staff You May Need Part
    • Orienting Teachers and Staff Part 1
    • Orienting Teachers and Staff Part 2
    • Teacher Pupil Ratios
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    7.1: The Head of School

    Show Content
    • The Role of the Head of School
  • 30

    7.2: Montessori Faculty

    Show Content
    • Recruiting Teachers and Staff: How Many People Will You Need?
    • The Prepared Adult
    • What a Montessori Teacher Needs to Be
    • Finding the Right Teachers - Video
    • Findiing Elementary Teachers
    • How Many Teachers Should There Be in a Montessori Classroom?
  • 31

    7.3: Hiring, Salaries, and Benefits

    Show Content
    • Payroll - Hourly vs Salaried Employees
    • The Ethics of Recruiting Teachers and Staff Who Work at Another School
    • Recruiting Teachers and Staff: Where to Run Ads
    • Recruiting Teachers and Staff Part 1
    • Recruiting Teachers and Staff 2: Montessori Teachers Can Be Hard to Find
    • Recruiting Teachers and Staff: How to Present Your School to Prospective Candidates
    • Recruiting Teachers and Staff: Screening Candidates Part 1
    • Recruiting Teachers and Staff: Screening Candidates Part 2
    • Recruiting Teachers and Staff: Screening Candidates - Going Through Resumes Part 3
    • Screening Candidates Part 1: Going Through Resumes
    • Screening Candidates Part 2: Don't Rush The Process
    • Screening Candidates Part 3: The Interview Process
    • Hiring, Salaries, and Benefits
    • Hiring Assistant Teachers Part 1
    • Hiring Assistant Teachers Part 2
    • Hiring Assistant Teachers Checking Resumes Part 1
    • Hiring Assistant Teachers Checking Resumes Part 2
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    7.4: Assignment

    Show Content
    • Staffing Assignment
    • Forum: Staffing
  • 33

    Unit 8: Marketing and Recruitment

    Show Content
    • What it is you are Selling
    • Introduction to Marketing Your School
    • Recruiting Families for Your School
    • Refining The Marketing Message
    • How your school can get its message across to the community
    • Advertising in the Montessori World
    • Video: Marketing and Recruitment: Additional Ways to Get the Word Out About Your New School
  • 34

    8.1: What makes your school different from other schools in your area?

    Show Content
    • What Will You Be Selling in Your School?
    • Video: Marketing What is it that we are Selling?
    • Video: Marketing Your School - What is it that you are Selling?
    • Video: What are you Selling Parents?
    • Sell or Search for the Perfect Match?
    • Don't Sell Montessori - Sell Your Unique School!
    • Video: Communicating the Benefits of Your School's Program
    • Your School's Logo
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    8.2: Initial Marketing

    Show Content
    • Marketing Your School
    • Video: We Don't Need to Advertise
    • Marketing: The Total Concept
    • Market Plan
    • Video: Brochures
    • Audio: Tracking Ad Results
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    8.3: Sample Marketing Materials

    Show Content
    • Sample Marketing Materials
    • Additional Marketing Resources
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    8.4: Assignmets

    Show Content
    • Vision and mission revisited
    • Marketing and Admissions Assignment
    • Assess these Logos
    • Who is your primary competition
    • Forum: Television Adverts
    • Forum: Marketing
  • 38

    Unit 9: The Admissions and Enrollment Process

    Show Content
    • The Admissions Process
    • Three Steps in the Admissions Process
    • Three steps in the Admissions Process Document
    • Admissions Flowchart
  • 39

    9.1: Admissions

    Show Content
    • Admissions: Young Parents May Not Know What They Want Part 1
    • Admissions: Young Parents May Not Know What They Want Part 2
    • Admissions: Is the Parent a Good Fit? - Part 1
    • Admissions: Is the Parent a Good Fit - Part 2
    • Admissions: Is the Parent a Good Fit - Part 3
    • Admissions: Weekly Group Open Houses
    • Giving Families A School Tour - Described by Jonathon Wolf
    • Giving Families A School Tour Part 2 - Described by Jonathon Wolf
    • Next Steps After a First Visit
    • Admissions: Look For Families Who Are Willing To Invest In Their Child's Education
    • Why Both Parents Need To Be Involved In the Admission Process
    • Admissions: Your Expectations For The Parent School Relationship
    • Admissions: The Open House Or Tour - Described by Tim Seldin
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    Unit 10: Setting Tuition & Enrollment Agreements

    Show Content
    • Thoughts on Tuition
    • Some Thoughts About Tuition
    • Setting Tuition
    • Preparing Your Enrollment (And Re-enrollment) Agreements Part 1
    • Enrollment Agreements: Structuring Tuition and Payments
    • Enrollment Agreements: Managing Tuition Payments
    • Nonrefundable Tuition Deposit
    • Should you Offer a Sliding Scale Tuition Plan?
    • Sample Financial Aid Policy
    • Enrollment Agreements and Parent-School Covenants
    • Sample Permission For Use of Photographs and Video In Promotional Material
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    Unit 11: Building Your School Community

    Show Content
    • Monitoring How New Children Are Settling In
    • Relationship with Parents, Greeting a New Family
    • Building Community: Respond to Concerns Quickly
    • Helping Parents Understand How Following Procedures Benefits Their Child
    • Building Community: Parent Associations
    • Parent Education
    • Parent Teacher Relations
    • Teacher Attitude Towards Parents
    • Teachers Informing Parents of the Scope of Montessori
    • Addressing Differences of Opinion With Parents
    • Pre-Year Meeting Between Parents And Teachers About Expectations
    • Creating a Collaborative Community - Part 1
    • Creating A Collaborative Community - Part 2
    • Creating A Collaborative Community - Part 3
    • Supporting Documentation
    • Onboarding New Families Into Your School
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    The Administrative Team

    Show Content
    • How to Prepare For and Run a Challenging School Meetings with your Teachers and/or Parents

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    Use an icon and text to communicate the value proposition and share the specific benefits of your offering. What makes it unique in your market?

  • Icon & text

    Use an icon and text to communicate the value proposition and share the specific benefits of your offering. What makes it unique in your market?

  • Icon & text

    Use an icon and text to communicate the value proposition and share the specific benefits of your offering. What makes it unique in your market?